Tuesday, 18 July 2006


Back to the gym this morning after a couple of weeks off with the school holidays. I never realise just how much I miss that place when I am not there. Walking inside when I got home my body felt very pleasantly worn out, but my mind was racing here there and everywhere. Love that feeling! Can't wait to get there again tomorrow morning.

Decided I needed to go and buy a cheap pair of jeans that I can paint and decorate for CC, so took DH out with me this morning, cos it was too cold to sit round at home. Scored the jeans and then figured I would try for the paint and stencils that I want. Bear in mind that I had no idea what the stencils would look like but I would know when I saw them. Went to several crafty type stores and eventually ended up at Spotlight where I was able to get the final bits that I needed. It ain't the same going in there with a bloke that isn't interested, and he didn't really buy the line I fed him about it being a girls tool shop. I have to go back again tomorrow so I can finish browsing.


Penny said...

So what stencils did ya get? Make sure you show off them jeans so we can see them.

Anonymous said...

Yes I do like the *girls tool shop* line ... that would work for me!!