Saturday, 7 July 2007

Educational games in the holidays has to be a really bad invention doesn't it? We have got one going at the moment and the boys are lining up to do their times tables.

When I went to see Nick's teacher the other day for parent teacher interviews she suggested playing card games such as last card and snap to encourage the learning of the times tables and practising addition and subtraction.

I picked up a deck of cards and a bag of fudge and now the boys are lining up to "do their tables". We are working through the deck and they are multiplying every card by whatever table we are working on. I was going to give the King as a free shot, but Tommy suggested it could be 13 so we are going up to 13. I left the Jokers in and whenever one of them comes up I get to give them a kiss (I think that is the best part, although the boys call this torture!). Once the deck of cards is finished they get a piece of fudge.

I love bribery and corruption and it is even better when it works!


Sandra said...

What a great idea Lynda. Sounds like the boys are learning to 'enjoy' their maths game....even if you do kiss them occasionally lol. Just read your previous post....grrrr!!! I'ts like having your home taken really. I'm with the others, tosser is too polite.

Anonymous said...

great idea! love bribery and corruption ... for all the right reasons of course :wink:

Sharon said...

Great idea!!

Roo said...

I'm all for bribery and coruption! (all in the name of education of course)

Anonymous said...

lol I second what the others said! Games like that make it fun and interesting and thats what kids like (that and fudge) lol

Penny said...

Excellent notion. B&C works well I think.