Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Motivation and Exercise

I knew this, I really did, but I was having a convenient memory lapse. I had a huge list of jobs that I needed to get done today and one of them of was using the walker as it was intended to be used. Getting changed into my exercise clothes was the key I think, because after dropping the boys at school I was motivated to go walking - that and I was too darn cold to sit down without layering up a bit. I only walked for 10minutes but 5 minutes of that was running so feeling pretty good about myself because I don't run!

One of the jobs I had to do was to complete my circle journal and pass it on to the next person. I have been having nightmares over this and the pressure of having to produce an amazing work of art. You see I have to pass my cj onto Nic. You know the Nic whose work is so stunning that she has just had a book of it published! Awesome book by the way and you can get your own copy from the link on Nic's blog. I can't tell you the relief I felt when she had a look and was very complimentary - hey maybe I can get a book of my own too - yeah right! Maybe I will just line up for comedy position instead :-)


Roo said...

Now if you did that Lynda I would definitely pay.........

....for your comedy show that is.

Good on you doing some exercise today.

Anonymous said...

am laughing at Roo's comment. Go you for "just doing it". Funny how we get about our work and wondering what others will think. I hear you thugh and would proably feel the same way :-)

Sharon said...

So THAT is what the walker is for - I always wondered why there was one in our bedroom!!

Penny said...

Oooo the pressure! I feel your pain!
I need to walk too.

Anonymous said...

Oh I am *so* looking forward to seeing the CJs ...
Go you on the exercise. And on the comedy aspirations :wink:

Mel said...

LOL about the CJ - next time before you hand it over say to yourself five times "I am an artist"!

Good on you and the exercise - I've worked out that if I put my exercise gear on first thing in the morning then drop the kids at school I have no excuse.