Saturday, 25 August 2007


I have become a right bookworm again just lately. I was lent a copy of The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons. Wow, that lady can really write a good book. I have been sitting up reading before I head to bed at night and several nights this week time has run away with me and before I know it, midnight is here. I finished the book this morning and can't wait to get into the next books in the series. I picked up a copy of Tully also by Paullina the other day, but I think I want to save that for a bit.

Lucky for me I have a couple of scrapping magazines to read instead.


Sharon said...

I love a good read - but it can be frustrating when you finish it!

Anonymous said...

I'll give you the 2nd book next time I see you. I'm onto the third book now.

Anonymous said...

I loved Tully and Autumn leaves and there is another one of hers I have read as well. Love reading. Enjoy the mags.

Penny said...

Great to find a "new" author eh? :-) Think I've read that one.

Anonymous said...

Pleased that you enjoyed the book as much as I did, best book ever!

Mel said...

iffawoccIsn't it great when you find an author you like - laughed about you wanting to save the new book for later - I do that!

Jenny said...

I also really enjoyed that book