Friday, 17 November 2006

Life Lessons

It has taken me a while to get to posting about this, but now that everything is OK, I figured I would put it here. Monday last week Alistair was experimenting with a can of petrol and a cigarette lighter. He was in the section next door and had poured a small amount on the ground and lit it. The flame was quite good, but he wanted it bigger and decided to pour a bit more petrol on it. Big mistake. Long story short we ended up at White Cross where they treated him for burns to the tops of his fingers and thumb on his left hand. 2 second degree burns and the rest surface burns. For the first week we were up there every day after school for dressing changes and then this week everything is healed enough to have his hand out in the open. I rang my homeopath and I am sure the remedies and solutions to bathe in have really sped up the healing process.

Alistair now knows what happens when you pour petrol on an open flame and has learned a very painful lesson (I am so relieved that it was such a minor lesson). He also knows that there are many men out there who have tried similar things with varying results and that if he asks there will be someone around who can help him experiment safely. I can't get over how many horrific stories I have heard from all the adult men around me.


Mel said...

Oh you poor thing. What trauma! The good thing is, as you say, it could have been heaps worse. Years later you will look back and laugh (I remember about 20 years ago my 2 cousins burnt down the barn when they were playing with matches - awful at the time but now we laugh). Be thankful for small mercies, you are all safe, and hopefully a lesson has been learnt. Hope you are coping!

Unknown said...

Thats scarey poor you he is so lucky it wasn't worse.

Anonymous said...

Wow Lynda!! I was cringing as I read this and I wasn't the one burnt. I am so pleased it wasn't worse. It seems someone was certainly looking out for him. Like Mel said years later everyone will laugh about this.....II also have a strong belief in homepathic rememdies........

Penny said...

oh no! Ouch! I'm so glad it wasn't worse than it was. :( It just doesn't bear thinking about. You just feel like scragging them for being so dumb but also clutching them to you because you love them so much.

When I hear the things my DH used to get up to with his cousins I'm horrified about what DS is going to be like when he's older. Boys seem to be such risk takers.

Sharon said...

Yikes - somehow I missed this one - thank goodness it was not worse! I hope neither of my boys decide that this is a good idea to try!

Anonymous said...

ouch. scary. but glad it turned out better than it might have. I had an early experience with fire (playing with matches under the dining room table while my parents were entertaining ...) which has made me cautious for many many years.