Mother Guilt
Oh man Nick is laying this on me really thick at the moment! Thursday at school he was playing soccer and fell over, a whole bunch of guys landed on top of him. He was whinging about a sore arm and I told him to get hard!
This morning he was racing with Tommy to try and get to Andy's scorched almonds first and fell over landing on his arm again. He put on a huge hollywood which we figured was to distract Tommy.
After discussion with DH we decided that maybe he might be a bit sore and we better take him to the doctor. Turns out he has a fracture to his arm just above the wrist. Ooops! The doctor was most surprised that a boy of 12 could break his arm by falling on it and suggested we really up his calcium intake. Suits me because if Nick had his way all he would eat would be bread!
He now has a back slab plaster and we go back in 10days for a full cast. Oh dear, I am sure I get the worst mother award for today now.
I asked him a little later in the day whether he had forgiven me yet, and he gave me a huge grin and said yes, but I bet I will hear about this many times in the years to come. I know I would definitely be repeating it, if my mother did that to me!
I know it isn't funny but I had to laugh. I can see this happening in my future (if there is no blood, they are not really hurt!). Hope he is better soon :)
e this being milked in the future and becoming a family story bought out. Hey mum do you remember that time......dont really think about boys not drinking enough milk or having enough calcium.
Awww Lynda so sorry for you and Nick...I have seen nick doing rough and tumble play and as he does it all the time i can see where you were coming from - I hope that this isn't a new Christmas Story.
sorry lynda that was me
Oh dear, poor Nick! I bet it will take a while to live that down! Get hard ROFL!
Wouldn't you just know it!!
oh dear. hope he's better soon. and I can imagine this story being raised again and again and again ...
Don't beat yourself up too much. It happened to me as a kid. I bet my Mum felt awful too. LOL. But mine was only a broken toe. But being the big toe, I needed plaster and only got it a week later. Boy that week was awful. Worst pain was when someone trod on my toe in a que. Ouch!
Hope your brave boy feels better soon.
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