Thursday, 7 June 2007

Showing my Age

We were driving through the central city over the weekend and Andy glanced into the car next to us. That is Dean Lonergan he says. The boys sitting quietly for once in the back seat say "Who?"

I butt in and answer "You know, the everready battery guy" I get met by blank looks - who? Andy lets me down gently - not! and reminds me that he was probably the batter guy about 15years ago, before our guys were even thought of. Ooops!


Anonymous said...

lol time flies doesn't it??? am still chuckling over that one, cos I knew who you meant.

Anonymous said...

Was he a singer? I may recognize the face but not the name. But then I'm not as old as you (running really fast now to hide)

Penny said...

oops! Yah well - back in the olden days when people still dialled telephones....

Mel said...

I know what you mean. I was with DH one day in Wgtn when he stopped and chatted to Nik Brown from The Warratahs (they used to work together). Well I thought it was cool (hell, I thought I was cool)but when I told the kids they said "Who?" Then Cait said "Oh, yeah- he just does the Interislander ads - big deal!"

I'll take the small thrills!!

Sharon said...

LOL - yeah. My son's think that the song "I'm a Believer" comes from Shrek!!

Anonymous said...

I know exactly who you mean Lynda...We had friend's kids over and I asked if they wanted to watch a flinstone's DVD that we had and they said who?

Jenny said...

SO enjoying reading your blog, Lynda, with all the news

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynda, I found you! Great blog, love your banner!